On Saturday me and my sis took the girls to see Grandpa Ron and Grandma Jackie out in Inkom, Look at these stinkin CUTIES!
ALL 4 of US!
All ready for the big night! Exscuse me, are you wearing makeup?!
Miss fairy princess with her uncle spiderman!
Mylee with some of her cute cousins!
2 beautiful FAiry princesses!
Enjoying the nighT!
Helping great grandma with her traditional homemade doughnuts!! YUMMY!
We had a really enjoyable time and were really thankful to spend it with our families! Mylee is growing up so fast, and she is so much fun! She truly lights up our lives everyday! We are soooo thankful to have such a sweet spirit in our home! She is a true blessing and is getting extremely smart! She now counts from 1 to 10...thanks to DORA!:)
anyway...later that night we stopped at walmart to grab a few things, mylee was definatley on a sugar high...OUT OF CONTROL! Long story short I grabbed her by the arm (not any different than i usually do) and must have used more strength...but she cried for about and hour and did not move it at all! I felt so bad...I was balling! So we finally took her up to ER and she just had nurses maid elbow! The cartilage in the elbow is not very strong in little kids and sometimes the radius bone will slip out of the socket half way, not all the way! The doctor said it is a really common thing, so he took her arm and slid it back in to place, and she SCREAMED and CRIED for about a minute and then she was using her arm again! It was truly amazing! Mylee even said "YAY! my owie is gone!" We had to laugh, cutest thing ever! I was so relieved it wasn't anything more serious!
Mylee got some juice for being a good girl!
Lesson learned for me, don't use there weak little arms to pick them up anymore! What an exciting and stressful holiday!
Our house is coming along! I will have to post pictures! I am staying way busy with school! I really enjoy it! Tj is working really hard all day, then working really hard on our house at nights! Sometimes we are lucky to all be together through the week!
I just have to throw this picture in of TJ and Chris! haha they love riding in this thing...even when its midnight and 20 degrees! goof balls!