She looked so cute in her little chucks and was so excited for her new chair for her room!
Another picture of my great matches so cute with her bedspread!
YAY! its my birthday!
Daddy and the 3 year old!
The Bash!
CAke TimE!
Make a wisH!
Opening PreSENts!
Thanks mom & dad...I AM 3!!!
-House still is not done:( Hopefully in a couple weeks we will be moving in!
-Hillary is just around the corner for ending her semester, basically all thats left is FINals! YAY!
-TJ is still working Hard ALL day and Working Hard ALL night at our house
-Mylee does whatever 3 year olds about santa everyday and point at every commercial saying I want that for christmas!
-We havent even started christmas shopping due to lack of funds and no spare time!
-Thanksgiving was a blast..and a good little break..making the rounds to all the families!
-Louis' birthday was yesterday the 4th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!
-If I dont have a post before christmas..I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!