Well 2010...just creeped right up didn't it?! It has been far too long since my last post...so lets break it down.
-2nd week of December were my finals...I am pretty sure I was the most stressed out I have ever been in my life! Trying to study and finish our house..I went crazy! But I am extremely proud to say that I finished my first semester in the practical nursing program with 4 A's and 2 B's!! I said about a thousand prayers through that week and I know I couldn't have done so well without my Heavenly Father!
-OUR HOME IS FINISHED!! we moved in on December 23! talk about the best Christmas present ever! Mylee was so fun this year..and Santa spoiled her a little too much! She is such a good little girl and over the break I finally had some time to work with her and get her potty trained!! YAY! It took 1 day...I feel like a bad mom because she was so ready to get potty trained but we were just too busy and living at my parents! I am just glad that is done!
-Here are the pics of Christmas
Mylee in her Christmas Dress

Being Silly in her Christmas shirt

We went to see Santa...Mylee loved him and told him she wanted a purple barbie!

Cousin Peyton liked Santa too!

Mylee was an angel for the annual Bringhurst Nativity Scene

Opening the present from the 48 Bringhurst cousins gift exchange

Santa also came to Grandma Conlin's and brought her the PURPLE BARBIE! she was so excited!

Christmas Morning with little Mylee was simply the best present ever! She was so cute and excited and Santa brought her this car!

Our sad little tree..I put it up on Christmas Eve! haha at least we put one up!

Christmas was amazing this year and it makes me realize how much I am blessed! It truly hit home how much our savior has done for us and the sacrifices he made for us! I was listening to Christmas music while driving one day and just started crying because it was so beautiful and meaningful! I love every thing about this holiday and love to celebrate such a glorious event!
Over our holiday break we took a little ski trip to Island Park and Big sky! It was fun to spend it with our families and have our last getaway before school starts!
Mylee practiced some skiing herself with help from Uncle Sean

Sucking on an icicle and getting ready to sled

Me and Tj on New Years Day at Big SKy

We had a very enjoyable break and we are not ready for school to start...but time tells another story! We love our home so much and we are so blessed for our family and friends who have helped an supported us to accomplish this at such a young age! We are very thankful! I would love to post pictures of it..but I have some mixed feelings of doing so...Maybe in a few months!