4 weeks and blessing day
And now 5 years later on DECEMBER 3rd she turns 5! I am still in shock...I love her so much and she has been such a blessing to TJ and I as well to our families! We have learned so much from her beautiful spirit that Heavenly Father so graciously decided us to be her parents. This has been way harder then I thought..I dont want her to grow up, I want to protect her and keep her small and innocent. Mama will try her hardest..to keep the teary level down
MYLEE loves 2: play w/ friends & cousins, color, sing JB, go to Grandmas, dance, go to primary, help mama clean & cook, ski, swim, watch movies, and most of all she LOVES that she is now 5!
Daddy made her favorite breakfast for her birthday: waffles w/ peanut butter and syrup (definitely Tj taught her this liking)
Party at outer limits! Mylee was so happy all day long and could not wait for her party! she kept asking me, "mom am I really 5? or am I still 4?" haha I was like MYLEE YOU ARE 5!! YAY "oh ok so when do i get to go to big school like conner?" she is the cutest..
I love you big girl, cannot even believe that you are 5!!
The next day was my daddys BDay..dad and mylee always celebrate together!
Happy birthday you 2!