Miss Mylee was very busy this Christmas season
1st was her Pre-school Christmas program on Dec.14th- she sang wonderfully and is the cutest!
And Santa came to visit...after multiple santa visits of asking for a barbie house, this one in particular was a little different, MYLEE ASKED FOR AN IPHONE!! what?! :) she is definatley 5 going on 15
Mylees 1st dance recital (b/c we were in Florida for her supposed to be 1st one) was on DEC. 17th! I have to brag about this little girl, she was the best one up there! she is definitely a little performer! she loved it!!
That same night was the Bringhurst Christmas party, Mylee was an angel in the nativity scene.
Helmandollar Christmas Eve Dinner- mylee and peyton mauled poor baby cousin savanna
mylee was so excited to set out cookies for Mr Santa! grandma Kim let her decorate the cookies all by herself! they turned out great and mylee was definitely a good little girl this year! how do you explain a child's excitement?!! santa even got a hold of a leap pad at the last minute! they had been very difficult to get and were gone through the whole month of DEC!
opening gifts at grma & grpa Bringhursts- Christmas day mylee suffered with lovely pink eye
opening gifts at grma & grpa thompsons
Hope everyone had a MERRY Christmas!!
Tis the season to SKI
we have been to Pomerelle, Targhee, and Big SKy X 2...Mylee is doing amazing she has graduated from the edgie wedgie and got some poles!! We cant keep up with her!!
Happy New YEAR!! welcome 2012 goodbye 2011! wish me luck as I start the RN program!! i got in! YAY
PRAY FOR SNOW PEOPLE!!! we dont like the 50s