Skiing at Pebble
Nice Form MJ :) she does this anywhere and everywhere
We have the cutest little addition to our family....her name is CiCi, and I surprised TJ with her for Valentines! We all love her so much and she is Mylee's new best friend!! She carries her around like a little baby on her hip!! She has been such a great pup so far too! perfect for our busy famiLY!
Aren't they the cutest together?!
For Valentines Day, Mylee picked out my little pony valentines this year and wrote her name by herself on all of them for all of her little friends at preschool and dance!! she had a blast, she gets so excited about the simplest things! Love her so much!! Could not imagine our lives without our beautiful little girl!
TJ and I went out to Red Lobster with our friends and had a great night together! Love him so much and appreciate everything he is in my life! OHHH the month of love!! <3
Well its official I started my Program in Jan...hopefully it goes quickly! here I come May 13''s to a crazy next 14mo!