We are all staying busy busy...I am taking a summer class for my program and working, Tj is working hard full time, and working on our home! Mylee keeps us grounded and she is such a special little spirit in our home! Tj and I crack up every night at the things she is starting to say!She talks non stop now! Tj's work boots were sitting on the rug with dirt everywhere and mylee wakes up the next morning and says "WHAT A MESS!" she hurries to grab some of her wipes and starts to wipe up the dirt! haha so cute..
Mylee with the MODELQUINS from Old Navy! haha she only touched the dog though...she would not give the little girls a hug even after I told her they were sad! She was scared of them!

Mylee loves to jewel herself with the toys from grandpas work..this time her arms!

My hot hubby spraying the dirt with this massive fire hose!!

Foundation poured!