Friday, April 20, 2012


We had a great Easter this year with our families and MJ. She was so excited for the Easter Bunny! and of course we try to teach her the importance and the reason behind Easter but you know how that goes.. Easter egg hunt at the Bringhurst's on Saturday I have the cutest nephew!
And the cutest Niece!
MJ and all of her cousins!
so glad it was a sunny day too
Easter egg hunt at the Conlin's on Saturday
Easter Sunday
SO SO grateful for my Savior and that I can be where I am today because of HIM. TJ and I have grown and learned so much and we are so thankful for the gospel. Our family is amazing and we are extremely blessed in our lives.


  1. thanks for you comment! I have to admit, I have blog stalked you a few times since Sean and I were the same year in high school :) Mylee is so beautiful!

  2. hilary :) you are the sweetest! thank you for making my day with your comment. i have been following your blog for a while and i just LOVE your cute little family. you scored big time with mylee. isn't it great out heavenly father can turn our lives into something more than we could have ever imagined for ourselves! i feel so blessed and i bet you do too :) you're the cutest! so happy we can keep in touch through our silly little blogs! love you lady!

  3. The picture of MJ holding the pink egg and looking into the camera while scrunching her nose made me laugh out loud. Too cute!
